TalesWeaver Guide : Creating a Club

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Club System Guide is from http://peacemaker.dothome.co.kr/

Club is a place where you can make new friends, work together, and have fun. To learn more about clubs.. from making one to joining one, keep reading!

Creating a Club

There are two places where you can create a club. One is Shadow and Ash which is located in Narvik. It's by Weapon Shop and Quest Shop. Other is Castle. It's located by Narvik Warp.
To create a club, the person creating must be at least level 15. It also takes 50,000 seeds to create a club.

When you talk to the npc, she/he'll give you two options. Choose option one to make club, second to cancel.

Club Window

A. Basic Stats of Club.
B. Club's Description.
C. Show's Club's lvl and Name, How many club members there are, what level you have to be to getin club, Club's homepage
D. Club's Icon.* If club is lvl 10, you can buy an icon for 1 million seed.
E. Club Ranking
F. Club Fee

This is window for Club description. You can write messages to persuade people to join your club and etc.

Club Members

A. Club Members.
B. Members who applied for club.

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1. Members
- Shows all the members that are currently in your club.
2. Apply
- Shows all players that have applied for club. By using right click, you can accept or reject the player.
3. Rank
- Shows the member's rank in club. Usually leader decides if ranks depend on the amount of xp or level.
4. Character
- Shows what type of character the member is.
5. ID(Nickname)
- Shows member's ID and Nickname.
6. Level
- Shows member's Level.
7. Club Xp
- Shows member's club xp.

Club Menu
- 1:1 conversation : 1:1 Opens private message with member.
- Nickname : Nicknames the member.
- Rank Up : Puts the member's rank up.
- Rank Down : Puts the member's rank down.
- Organize Ranks : Automatically rank members.
- Kick Player : Kick a member from club.

A. Club News.
B. Club Log: Logs of Club Bank, Logs of members joining and leaving.
C. Apply to leave club. If you choose this, the member with the first ranking becomes next leader.
D. Delete Club: Deletes Club.

Club Levels and New Options

 Club Level
Club Members  New Abilities
 1  10  Recruit members, Kick members, Delete Club
 2  10  Club chat, Pass on leadership
 3  11  Rank Members
 4  13  Club News
 5  15  Club Room
 6  18  Nickname members
 7  22  None yet
 8  26  Club Bank
 9  30  Club leader's Quest
 10  34  Club Icon
 11  37  Club Skill (not yet implemented)
 12  39  More  space in Club Bank
 13  39  None yet
 14  41  None yet
 15  42  None yet

Joining a Club

If you wish to join a specific club, find a member who's in it, shift and click Club like above.

Click the button located in the bottom right corner.

This will pop up if you meet the level requirement, if there is room in club, and you have successfully applied.

Passing Leadership

To leave club and pass leadership to another player, go to the third tab and click the button on the bottom right corner. After 5 days, the member who is rank 1 will be leader, and the person that have passed leadership will need 1 day to join another club.

Deleting Club

To delete your club, select the button on the bottom right corner. At least 20% of the members must approve. It takes 5 days for this process.